
Is Nuclear Energy Profitable – Round Two

In October last year I wrote Is Nuclear Energy Profitable? and how it is profitable until things go wrong. And then it is spectacularly not profitable. And that assumes a project comes in on budget in the first place. Now, as reported by Charles Arthur citing an article in the Financial Times, industry sources estimate the cost of building Sizewell …

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Alternatives To Nuclear Energy

The big changes is that batteries are getting cheaper and cheaper, as a solar panels. And not only cheaper but better and simpler. Batteries are not just environmentally better than burning fossil fuels, they are a better technology. There are several practical alternatives to nuclear power, each with unique benefits and limitations. Here are some leading options: Each of these …

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Is Nuclear Energy Profitable

There are costs associated with enterprises that may or may not be brought into the calculation of benefit versus cost. So what about nuclear energy? Is it profitable if the costs of decommissioning are brought into the equation? Regarding the most modern proven design of nuclear power plants, what is the cost of construction, including sourcing the fissionable materials, the …

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UK Energy Output 2023

According to Renewable UK, “Renewables provided a record 46.4% of the UK’s electricity in 2023.” That’s good but it’s for one month. Government Statistics for 2023, show less that 10% was from wind, solar, and hydroelectricity. A little under 10% was from nuclear plants. About 15% was from bioenergy and waste. A little over 30% was from natural gas and 35% from …

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